Our Purpose

Joe Wager   -  

I read this quotation this morning:

“A movie of my life began to run in reverse, right in front of my eyes… rewinding past my birth, past my conception and into eternity. As the movie unfolded, I could see myself standing with God in a timeless place… before the earth was created. He pointed to me and said, “I knew you here!” Then He fast-forwarded the movie to my conception in my mother’s womb. I watched as He carefully formed me. A set of blueprints with my name on it appeared, and I watched as God built one-of-a-kind attributes into me. Talents, abilities, personality and looks meticulously fashioned in my mother’s womb, according to His perfect plan. Next, He reached into my heart and planted a deep purpose for my being me… something that no on else could ever fulfill, a call that only I could accomplish. As I watched Him form me in silence, I realized that each of the attributes was actually a piece of His likeness. People could therefore experience a part of God by observing my life.” ~ Jason Vallotton – Winning The War Within

”For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do.“

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2‬:‭10‬ ‭CSB‬‬

It is often hard for me to fathom that people may be able to see God through me. But if I think about it, I see God through others all the time. Why then, do I struggle with the fact that I can be used for the same?

Knowing that God has made each of us uniquely for His purposes, all as images through attributes of Him, yet all so different is amazing! We all have a purpose in His Kingdom. We all have value. We are all loved by Him! ❤️


Joe is an Elder at First Church of Christ. You can find more of Joe’s thoughts at https://wagersthoughts.blogspot.com/